Ranex 3000.087 Reggiana Room Mirror Bracket Bath Chrome March 6 x 30 x 11 cm


  • Few powerful 1  

    Ranex 3000.087 Reggiana Room Mirror Bracket Bath Chrome 6.3 x 30 x 11 cm (Housewares)
    For the price, even if the design is nice plastic. I have it placed in a small bathroom and the light is gloomy and limited power. Note that nothing can replace it once the end of life must change everything. It will do but I do not advise it
  • A single article, effective and cheap  

    Ranex 3000.087 Reggiana Room Mirror Bracket Bath Chrome 6.3 x 30 x 11 cm (Housewares)
    The quality is quite good from the reduced prices. It is not plastic but metal covered with imitation metal film. This will require the cleaning without abrasion. The light is more yellow (warm), which I like but it must be considered depending on yo