Avid Reader

Avid Reader

Breakfast of Champions: A Novel (Paperback)

Customer Review

I have read every work Vonnegut has written, and this is by far one of his best works. The characters are all very real, and allow the reader to get to know them. Illustrated by Vonnegut himself, this book is definitely easy to read, yet hard to put down. The main character, Kilgore Trout, a favorite Vonnegut (Perhaps Vonnegut himslef?) Appears in yet another tale. As wrote on aside, some of the books Vonnegut Describes did Trout, would make excellent sci-fi books. I'm surprised Vonnegut (or some literary plagarist or hack) hasnt expounded on any of the themes. The book is great, and if any reader has never read Vonnegut, this is a great one to start with. You'll be hooked!