Charm is in Norwegian: Sjarm

Charm is in Norwegian: Sjarm

YYY ACA (Audio CD)

Customer Review

I had to be able to experience the pleasure Yoyoyo Acapulco a few days ago live in midsummer Berlin. And I then immediately bought their fine new CD. Both I recommend herewith also all other on warmest. Ukululen and the people who pluck, yes liable in itself to a sort of charming creatures. Here then become even added a cheerful front of him bouncing bass guitar, a small Korg synthesizers, a few simple percussions and now and then a subtle 80s moderately wavende current guitar. There are beautiful women summer pop song one hand and crooked Neil Young Memorial Männergesang other. The extremely fine Descendents cover "Silly Girl" will be heard over and over again. However, the home-grown players like "Summer Fling" or "blissed out" are quite wonderful.

Yoyoyo Acapulco make Norwegian Post-Climate change music. Comfortable, we are the fjord in the warm Atlantic hairdryer. The salmon sweat. The palms grow. It's not all bad.