a must for flight fans

a must for flight fans

In Enemy Territory [VHS] (VHS Tape)

Customer Review

This movie HAS Reviews some of the best flight sequences I have ever seen. The cinematography is superb, and one gets a glimpse into the speed a pilot experiences as he tries to outmaneuver an oncoming missile; aussi it shows the "nuts and bolts" of the ejection seat process, qui I found fascinating.
Having fairly low expectations for this movie, I Was amazed at how entertaining and visually stunning Actually it is, and am surprised it About did not recevoir Greater success in icts theatrical release.
It takes up in Bosnia during an imaginary time, under NATO command with US forces and though fiction, it uses captions at the end, telling the audience what happened to the characters, as if phrasal adverb a true story.
Filmed on the USS Carl Vinson, and in Slovakia, with the beauty of the Carpathian mountains as a backdrop for the horror of a war zone, director John Moore keeps the pace of this movie Constantly pumping. Some characters are though Somewhat cartoonish, and the script at times silly, much of the acting is good. Gene Hackman can always be depended upon for a solid performance, and Owen Wilson Does the protagonist as well hand Who starts out as being white A Rather shallow, whiny fellow, and grows With His extreme experience, as he plays a cat and mouse chase with a Serbian "tracker", played by Russian actor Vladimir Maskov. Gabriel Macht is excellent in the smaller share of the fighter pilot Stackhouse.
Yes, there are times the plot is contrived and not believable Altogether, this goal is more than made up for by the dazzling cinematography by Brendan Galvin, a fine score by Don Davis, and astounding visual and sound effects ... and if you like jets and choppers the way I do, you are guaranteed to like this movie.

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