

Kafka on the Shore (Paperback)

Customer Review

Comment on this book is not easy ...

We would initially make a summary ... But it is impossible.

We would then store it in a box to try to understand the future reader what kind it is. It is not easy either: initiation novel? Mythological tale? Spooky experience? This is all at once!

Then, we try to decipher the characteristics of the book so that the future reader knows how to take this novel. So, we try: it is a book that mixes dream and reality. A book where antisocial behavior and human impulses are moments of poetry. Where the daily reality rubs absurd situations.

In the end, I can not comment on this book. I can only say that Kafka on the Shore is a brilliant novel, clever, absurd, funny, poetic, taking, original ... There is no need to mention scratching.