Still a perennial favorite

Still a perennial favorite

Sim City 4 - Deluxe Edition (EA Most Wanted) (computer game)

Customer Review

Sim City 4, even after 6 years still a perennial favorite. Admittedly ... it is quite difficult than the predecessor, but still has more detail than the "successor" Sim City Societies.
It should be noted that there is still a very active modding community that brings out from the Development Tools the manufacturer immensely much and the game (in the remaining free) expanded by a multiple.

When you run the game, however, a few things have to be observed. Sim City 4 has the newer hardware due to age a few problems. However, they are to cope well:

1. Sim City 4 has problems with multi-core processors. Therefore, it is necessary that at the start the Task Manager, the processor affinity is set to a single core (In Processes tab right-click the process SimCity4.exe, then on membership and then on the hook to remove a ... AMD processors is still the applying a patch from AMD needed to obtain this option)

2. Even modern graphics cards cause problems because the control files of the game are not designed for this. Therefore, it is advisable to run the game in software rendering mode. Modern computers are powerful enough that 4 operates Sim City via software rendering at full speed and detail level.