A license - 1 - ALBUM

A license - 1 - ALBUM

Powerless (Audio CD)

Customer Review

This album of Andrea Berg has an average of two stars, according to the reviews ONLY. No chance of getting "has more than TWO STARS EARNED - FROM ME GIBTŽS FOUR.

After all, this album begins with a very strong title (A day with you in paradise). The following songs are not as good as the former, but nevertheless also earwigs.

Powerless "is arranged in the style typical Andrea Berg and produced. It is this unique style has made famous and popular Andrea Berg.
Write Many customers and critics from Amazon that they can not cope with this and that they would see fit, would if Fraunberg change and change their style. But why should she ??? Through their style Andrea Berg won many fans and achieved that so far six albums were catapulted straight away in the first place of the album charts.

And logically, one can conclude that Rendition "is a much better album than some customers write here.
I can Powerless "only recommend !!!

Highly recommended 91 1 Rank: 5/5
January 4
The best car care product. Rank: 5/5
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too top 12 Rank: 5/5
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March 29