Hit by Graupner

Hit by Graupner

Graupner Receiver GR-12 HoTT 33576 2.4 GHz FHSS 6 K. (Toys)

Customer Review

The Graupner / SJ with HoTT managed a litter, rumgesprochen.
Needs As with the normal GR12 recipients to sacrifice a channel for telemetry, so it can effectively be controlled only 5 servos. Internally however, more channels are received, my MX 16 (ehem. IFS, now with HoTT module) sends those. 8
Because the readjusted on telemetry 5. I therefore 3 channels via, with which I can switch the internal gyro functions. I think that's awesome, it has to be dispensed with for the gyro to no power.
At first but came the update, what should be done. Unfortunately, just about everyone HoTT module its own procedure for updating, as well as this. For a stand-alone program (micro_gyro_swloader) is needed that as well can be started only from the Graupner update Studio.
I can recommend an excellent guide to GH LOUNGE (manual HoTT Receiver GR-12 + 3XG (+ 3xA + Vario)). From the update on the establishment to commissioning is received there easily understandable to all.
Thanks to GH-LOUNGE!
I can add nothing.
Apart from my experience with it. Through this tutorial, I could use the receiver without any problems.
I tried him in a multiplex DogFighter and a very shaky flying DR1 (Richthofen's triplane). In both cases the result was outstanding. How pulled on a string fly the models by all the maneuvers, Perfectly.
One might even say: The gyro work against external force in which they countermeasures. The course will be (as long as does not implement Heading Hold function is) not corrected.
You have to just fly, as without gyro, it's just quiet and after a short practice precise.

From me there is a strong buy recommendation, full 5 stars.
Bravo Graupner

mhhhh Rank: 3/5
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