Great moments of a great pianist

Great moments of a great pianist

Vienna Concert (Audio CD)

Customer Review

Certainly one can argue about which is the best of the solo albums of Keith Jarrett. But fortunately the tastes are different times now. My personal favorite is the Vienna Concert. Whereby the Köln Concert is certainly the most popular solo project.
The Vienna Concert was created on 13 July 1991 in State Opera of Vienna, ie about 16 years after the legendary Cologne Concert. As the Cologne Concert and other solo recordings of Keith, so is this also improvises freely (ie without solid theme). And this is precisely where Keith Jarrett's strength. But no other solo album Keith is so intense, so electrifying and as powerful as the present. Keith Jarrett's piano playing is like a fire, in which each note is a spark in a sweaty game between form and chaos. This game is particularly evident towards the end of the first part of the concert. After Keith Jarrett seems the piano and to fight itself from the 25th minute, this seeming chaos triggers in the 32nd minute on a indescribably clear and pompous form with a lot of feeling for harmony and beauty. This place is for me the most impressive moments in the piano music at all.
A must for every piano lovers!

Jolie on arrival. Rank: 4/5
May 12
Awesome! 11 January Rank: 5/5
April 21
very playful 12 Rank: 5/5
February 13
July 20
A good read 9 Rank: 4/5
April 7