Excellent scenario

Excellent scenario

American McGee's Alice [Software Pyramide] (computer game)

Customer Review

Alice is by far the best Jump and Run game I've ever played. The idea of ​​the game is simply outstanding. No dull Items gather in a "Floral World", but a sophisticated story. You can pick up both items, as exist in melee or ranged, you must solve puzzles and learn to find the right weapon for the respective opponent.
The graphics are very lovingly and imaginatively designed (pretty grim, what was the background story but also badly needed).
The assumption that Alice in Wonderland will be taken for a ride, I find absurd. Who programmed a game must have been very intensively with the history apart.
Thanks to the game I finally strayed times of this Disney kitsch and have read through the book even know what is worth really auhc.
In conclusion, I can say that I have given away the game to my sister, who has never played computer games and then constantly getting calls as for where goes.
Now wants even my mother play the game ...