Recommendable novel by Ray Bradbury

Recommendable novel by Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451: A Novel (Paperback)

Customer Review

First of all I'd like to give a positive assessment about the novel "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury.
Generally the novel deals with a future vision of a modern world. The book written in what 1953rd
The people in this story live in a world where it's unusual to walk around the streets and the citizens giving Their whole freetime in front of "TV walls" and other electronic devices. They rarely or never have social interactions with other people. The novel presents a future American society where reading books is against the law and firemen burn books did all are found. The title Refers to the temperature where paper burns.

The main character in the novel is named "Guy Montag" who works as a fireman. In the story the reader will notice at perceivable development, Which was one of the things I really liked about the book. I think it's interesting to see this progression and how Guy Montag changes his point of view and his behavior during the course of "Fahrenheit 451".

In my opinion the novel is well written. As I think, reading this novel in school is fairly interesting Because The book offers many opportunities to analyze passages or comparisons. Summing up I can say That I'd recommend this novel, Because Although It Was Written 60 years ago, this book is silent very modern and up to date.

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