Everything improved what was bad before and worsened what was good before

Everything improved what was bad before and worsened what was good before

Mass Effect 3 (computer game)

Customer Review

beautiful good day,
I once decided a review before the credits roll to write and that after about 19 hours of play time. I played ME1 and Me2 and all 4 books read Mass Effect universe, so am a real Mass Effect Nerd Fanboy and got me yesterday and taken time off today to play through to ME3. Front path I have to mention that may contain minor spoilers my review, this may indicate vorkommene people, situations, or locations. But I try to keep the spoiler level as low as possible. I play the normal game mode + tough fight. I fight my way by each Side Quest and by combing all systems according to resources.

After 25 hours, I have reached the end of Mass Effect and accordingly I will add here and there a few things to my review. These are then marked as an addendum. The end I've achieved a good Shepard and full fleet strength.

Story (4 of 5)
The Reaper are here! Actually, that's the story + they attack the Earth and some other solar systems and will need about 100 years for the whole of life in the galaxy off. On Earth, of course, starts the story and we are naturally surprised, because even after the Commander in ME2, clear evidence of the Reaper had ... of course, no one believed him. Out of kindness one was even placed under arrest, after all, it was a puppet of the unknown and probably not so trustworthy. Once we can escape from the earth, (Anderson remains ridiculously heroic on the planet), we travel through the universe to actually querbeet intercessions rid of them. Please, please help the people and the earth. We must mobilize ourselves while we are constantly disturbed by the unknown, whose plans in what felt like 100 dialogues as ... "I do not know what he's up" are celebrated.

Well, the end of the story did definitely not very good. How many disciples ME3 I think the end is not necessarily inappropriate, but shame for such a good series. For many parts of a certain freedom was drummed into us and then we get a Deus Ex end. Please select now from which end you want.
!!! Here the spoilers begin !!!
May I choose the Reaper to control, destroy them, or to create a synthesis. Depending on the end sequence is slightly different (color explosion currency exchange) The end is plausible, but why have all of my decisions will not affect it, only the fleet size seems a bit a the end. (Earth is destroyed / or not) (Shepard dies / or not) (Who gets out of Normandy at the end) In the latter point there are disagreements terrible because suddenly get people who die in the final mission. Incomprehensible why something Bioware could happen.
!!! Here ends the spoilers !!!
But as the story before that attracts well I see it from this deduct a point only because of the messed-up end.

! Logic!
In the field of logic seems to have come ME3 the 4th book of Mass Effect too close. Somehow tried Bioware here hinzukriegen a really clean cut, between books and games. So you meet sometimes Kahlee Sanders who is the partner of Anderson in the books. We also meet many old friends. It's like bad movie sequels, each must again into the picture, no matter how small was his role and will be in Reaperkrieg.
! Mega Spoiler! So I meet some old comrades just to let Bioware has just anybody, they can let it die 30 minutes later. ! Spoiler end!
Then there are mistakes in there who actually Shepard in his previous missions who has learned.
! Mega Spoiler! for example, you meet the Geth from ME2, which has a totally forgotten. But then you have a dialogue with Jakob, from his team, which it laments on a somewhat that we have a Geth on board. But then come around on the ground: "I can understand it already, they know the Geth still from earlier!" ... * Question mark over his head * Spoiler end!
Then still a rather witty logic error, which has probably crept through the translation. A crew member is gay and told them sometime very sad as his life partner has died. In the story he always speaks of a he, but Shepard can reply only with you (partner). Such small errors attract more often through the game. The most massive mistakes but appear that the end just deceased characters, or there are totally senseless actions.
!!! Spoiler !!!
The Normandy is in a jump and hit by the blast wave of Endwaffe. But there is no reason why the Normandy did a jump, after all, it belongs with the battle fleet of the world.
!!! Spoiler end !!!

Conclusion Story:
The story so far is Ok, but not groundbreaking. There is really not a single eureka moment in the game. Everything is simply pulled on a rope and the ground-breaking, in the whole universe, impacting decisions are far more of a joke. So I decide mostly going for one of two people who I now support fleets are after a mission and who is not. (Due to a mission decision) But this feels ultimately totally irrelevant, because the support I get so either way. Similarly, the scenery is sometimes peppered by to funny dialogues, which should be seriously well unfortunately. How to escape from the Earth. Shepard meets staff from a crashed Schuttel and ask first, "What is happening here" Yes hm, the Earth explodes around them and there is a crashed Schuttle behind them and it is war .. Probably has a razor from the staff at a rose and is therefore treated just medically. So sometimes situations are accompanied with incredibly bad dialogue halt. It has also never feel that a lack of time, because of which there are in reality infinitely fell, even if they meet any claims otherwise. The story quality in ME3 just goes up and down massively. Anders you can not describe it. Unfortunately, the absolute low point is the end. :(

Graphics (3 of 5):
The graphics are, unfortunately, also by growing a bit, but overall solid. One is now used by Bioware, that some more characters love received than others and so halt provides a simple lieutenant of sometimes very ugly, while the faces of the main protagonists have simply dazzling many polygons and textures. (The armor but not) that is not objectionable, but has probably something to do with the time available. What I can not understand but ultimately are the further shrunken areas and still schlauchiger therefore coming level. The textures of surfaces appear before to have taken a step back instead. Here, however, there may be a personal illusion.

Translation (Speaker) / Sound (4 of 5):
The sound is solid until well. My Logitech Headset 5.1 and 5.1 speaker system can already wummern tidy. But with the soundscape of a Bf3 can not offer the range of ME3. But not enough substance in it. The German actors are all fine. I also have noticed no miscast a speaker, but there are a few translation errors and emphasis errors. But Furthermore I see away, after all, it is much more dialogue. They have the quality can probably increase if they had taken the senseless dialogues out.

Quest Construction / Side-Quests (2 of 5):
Terrible, considering how interesting the side quests of ME and ME2 were. In ME3 unfortunately wither into two major sections namely 1.Rette anything / anyone before Cerberus, or 2. Find something on the star chart, or in a mission of Quest pot 1 ... 3. Talk to anyone on the Citadel and scan properties matching
The second variant does not even have real dialogues, but is thus assumed that I walk through the Citadel and some people about anything they need talk. This automatically comes then in my quest log. I find the desired object, I can bring it to the person and get this credit, or a support unit against the Reapers. Funnily enough, sometimes are no information in the quest log, where I can find the person to deliver the object. Likewise, I had already bugs in quests that forced me to reload. When required to scan a station, I could not with this act and in the quest log was not even what had to be done. The quest log is again no progress of a mission. So I have already collected a coveted object, does not change the mission description. It is still there, that the XY ZY Item investigated and I have to find it. There is also no inventory, where I can see quest items found. So easy to operate quest log look different. I can also accept quests already, which I still can not meet because the star chart simply not indicative of the required system. What makes it even more incomprehensible is that Bioware has built up a code (Knowledge Base), which even the most part will be read, but can not installing a useful quest log. Since Bioware has unfortunately earned Real a 6.
I also find bad that no vehicle emissions exist. Thus, the crew members act far colorless and replaceable as in ME2. After all, they still give a bonus ability, if I behaved their stories listen to me, then I must add my abilities added, but always nice to just one!

KI (2 of 5):
The Reaper is a 50,000-year-old machine people (AI) and destroy the universe. Since they are a threat they may have been programmed by Bioware ever not. After all, the enemy AI and AI companion is terrible. My companions have put the favorite activity to stay, or simply refuse to serve. They shall be happy on railings, over which they would actually rise. Fortunately Bioware has since somewhat tricked (so does it feel) and built a sequence according to any of such risk situation. The sequence has namely to collect the positive side effect of my companion and ask again beside me. Elsewhere they would always go back for cover to avoid a shock wave repeatedly. Since Bioware has probably realized that can only go in the pants and disables the effect of the shock wave for companions. *thumbs down*
Just my companions are sometimes massively overtaxed to take cover, probably because these were built this time so generously. The control of the Companions with Q and E is also no help, because you have to have line of sight to the position where you want to have his comrades down. (This is not always the case) If this achieved by a happy coincidence, the position ... he makes afterwards anyway again what he wants. After using the KI friends their skills and self-sufficient often.
The opponents are unfortunately not much smarter. Either they cower in corners through, or rush to a dull too ... What would certainly be clever if it will not usually already only concerns a single soldier. You will only really dangerous by their mass. The funniest are the heavily armored Cerberus Mechts, or similar "strong" opponent. They should represent a challenge in ME3, but ultimately they are just cannon fodder with more armor.

Mini Games (3 of 5):
I would like to say: "it is no longer there!" and also agrees in part. After all, the time that must be invested, much lower than in ME and ME2. I just have to find a wide-ranging scanning relevant points in a system. Then I shoot while still a probe on a relevant planet, but the destination is very easy to detect by surface scan. So I find credits, military equipment, support units and quest items. Missions can no longer find so !!! Unfortunately !!!
Now even comes the problem of the matter. If I make this "mini-game" in one of Reaper just attacked sector I prefer attention to me, so have often only 2 scans before the Reaper attack me. But if they are alerted, I can still escape on the sector border and if they catch me, I click Continue and start in the sector with an attention strip of 0. Well ... Since the worm is inside. If I want to clear the sector empty I scan it once complete with 10-12 scans and fly away before the Reapers. So I find all the items and let me start from the Reapers. Then I click on Continue (Continue had better hot) and scan only at the positions where I have found something, because the positions remain the same. So you tricking from the minigame, because normally you would have to make somewhere a mission, so forget the Reaper that they were in the system and have scanned.
But unlike the Nervspielchen from ME and ME2 ... that's an improvement here. Unfortunately, the hacking is completely extinct!

Inventory / weapons / armor / talents (4 of 5):
Everything here was almost improved. Talents are thoughtfully and can be readily spread by Level. The inventory has been improved, there is no inventory and accordingly weapons must be purchased only once. This is then available for the whole team and can be upgraded via Credit also in the level. I got all this 5-6 modification parts are also to collect or buy for each available for each weapon. Modification parts have 5 level. (Too bad that not all modifications are meaningful)
Armor I can as individual parts exchange (helmet / chest / shoulders / legs / arms), or buy a complete armor. This then brings bonuses on my skills, health or shield strength / regeneration.

Multiplayer (2.5 of 5):
So I personally like the co-operative multiplayer. It's been fun and the rebuy of retrofitting cases also a certain long-term motivation is given, but it can also be purchased with real money these boxes. Evil, evil, Bioware! Such systems will be seen as an old player in any way. After all, there is no real money exclusive boxes, so everyone can, with sufficient time to achieve as much as anyone to put the coal into the MP said. After all, the character development for all is the same length and who with a character class, by simply going to the next level up, and this high. I think so that one is again no less than busy 40-50 hours.

Final Conclusion (3 of 5):
This is now the conclusion after 19 hours of play time and I'm going to play it until the end. After all, I want to see the end of me and then ask only: "Was it really worth it ???" So far, it is a pity that Bioware has further reduced in its real strengths. (Story / character development / quests and their logs) Because it comforts not hide the fact that they have become better elsewhere. (Weapons / inventory / talents / minigames) After all, there is now additionally a quite witty MP who makes even fun (to be added later). Nevertheless ME3 has become somewhat soulless and I can not exactly say why. One works just simply his intercessions and creates the army for the final battle and then ??? Then it makes sure just boom and everyone is happy!
That comes to an end I survived the game so before theatrically constantly. Although it is not to waste time, but I have time for love affairs and even to make up with old crewmembers idiotic excursions on the Citadel. The apocalyptic mood just will not come over and not feel it would be out of time. Since Bioware would have to start and a jump limit, or having to install anything else. For as long as I'm doing nothing, the Reaper not stir well.
Accordingly, I could do nothing to save the galaxy easier than me durchzuquälen.
I'll still do that to me, because ME3 has its moments and who wants to know how it turns out, comes probably not drum rum to play through the game.

Unfortunately, I've done it myself and am pretty angry about the end. So little influence my decisions on the end Bioware ??? What happened with you? Did you play too much Deus Ex? Otherwise I can not explain it a trilogy to be punished with such end. Very pity Bioware, before everything was still ok and fine.

Final thought:
"Finally, I have to ask why another second ME3 so high ratings scored by the press. The game you have to actually settle in the 72-82 range and not in the 90-100 range. Slowly I unfortunately really believe that EA itself buys votes , or any other jewelry is driven there. Otherwise I can not explain it. "

Good shopping. Rank: 5/5
June 20
hardly support function Rank: 1/5
December 2
Perfect cute and sweet! Rank: 5/5
May 11
Excellent 259 50136771 Rank: 5/5
March 28
total satisfaction 24 Rank: 5/5
March 30
perfect for travel 8 Rank: 5/5
August 4

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