GG Anderson - his collection HIT!  A Hit!

GG Anderson - his collection HIT! A Hit!

But I live (audio CD)

Customer Review

This album is a must for GG Anderson fans! 20 items are packed on this CD, only the best of GG Anderson. But if one puts together all the hits of GG Anderson not enough a CD. On the latest CD "But I live - All the best" finds 17 hits by GG Anderson: Girls, Girls (2002 re-recording!) Hey you there when triol at the North Pole would, Mama Lorraine, ..... and as a blockbuster there 3 new songs! "But I live - an insanity", "flowers that bloom in the shade" and "This night may never end" - 3 new very good songs that are accustomed to from Gerd Grabowski (Real name of GG Anderson). So who is a real fan should buy this CD!

Best! 14 Rank: 5/5
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