Sau Geil

Sau Geil

Counter-Strike Anthology (DVD-ROM) (computer game)

Customer Review

Well, this game is old and is based on the HL-1 engine, but it is sau geil.

Eigentlcih this game was a modification for Half-Life, the first part and free. But since it was incredibly often sucked, Valve bought the developer company and sales from as Counter-Strike costs. Valve let developers program on successor who, based on the Source engine, the same engine as Half-Life 2 and Half-Life Episode One. Graphically, the successor and shoulders and playfully has also done a lot, but unfortunately not much good! :-( Counte-Strike Anthology remains, despite its old graphics, one of the best first-person shooter on the market. Perfect this game is to play online, or on Lans. This game is the perfect mix of fast shooters and tactics shooters like Rainbow Six (the first part, which is really extremely arrived on tactics). This game is best compared with CoD 2, except the old-fashioned graphics. In addition, this game is rarely boring because in the network are still to find better people . In addition, you can load almost infinite variety of maps from the internet, with which you can then have some fun!


Graphics: 3/5

Sound: 5/5

Playability: 5/5

"Duration" (As long as you have fun in the game): 5/5

All in all one of my favorite games !!!