A high quality project: how the collaborators finish

A high quality project: how the collaborators finish

Morts pour Vichy (Poche)

Customer Review

Louvrage Dalain Decaux is in any remarkable point, say only that lusage quite important oral evidence is an element that can not be performed correctly by an experienced historian, have in principle on a fantastic knowledge of the issues, but also of elements that have to corroborate testimonials. It is estimated that the interval of confidence obtained by Alain Decaux is the order of 85%, which is substantial. For the rest, readers interested in the issues discussed in louvrage much gain will see louvrage Michèle Cointet quoted on infra Giraud opposition to De Gaulle, the elements related to Darlan are very numerous and well structured. Moreover, they will see "the New History of Vichy" Michèle Cointet which is the amount that refers to the Vichy regime. The Gaullist vision of events, the Roussel Deric biography contained in the collection Tempus (tome1 1890 -1945) present the interest BE distanced without being malicious. On lamiral Darlan please refer to louvrage eponymous written by Hervé Coutau-Bégarie and Claude Huan, Editions Fayard in 1989. On Pierre Laval, reference is that of Fred louvrage Kupferman "Laval" collaboration for 2006. For the German side The client is that of Barbara Lambauer "Otto Abetz and French, or lenvers collaboration, Fayard, 2001.

Lamiral Darlan: the execution of a traitor without honor or word

Lamiral Darlan was promoted as the head of government Popular Front détat Staff of the Navy, and Admiral of the Fleet, title created for him by the Republic. In 1939-1940 he commands the chief French naval forces in the difficult retreat from Dunkirk and becomes 16 June 1940 Minister of the Navy in the government of Marshal Petain. On 13 December 1940, Marshal Pétain returns Laval, considered too favorable to the Germans by Alain Decaux, this explanation suffers some criticism, most of today's historians believe that this is especially the absence of concrete results following the talks in Montoire, which marks the beginning of active the policy of collaboration with Germany Nazi. After what lintermède called Pierre Etienne Flandin, Marshal Darlan appointed Vice-Chairman. Darlan will continue the policy of collaboration initiated by Laval. According to Alain Decaux although Darlan continue the already initiated political, he personally néprouve no sympathy for Hitler and his regime, but Darlan June 1940 became convinced that lAllemagne win the war. While retaining the maximum freedom France Drafting (which seems difficult given the darmistices conditions). On two occasions lamiral Darlan will meet Hitler in May 1941 and is negotiating a protocol opening the Germans dAfrique French ports to be repelled by Marshal Pétain (author forgetting a little too fast for my taste logistics supply proposal lAfrika Korps via Tunisia and the provision of air bases in Syria allowing the Luftwaffe to involve itself against the British in an insurrectionary process between them to Iraqi nationalists). But at lévidence lamiral Darlan is open to all turnarounds, which led him to probe the US ambassador to Vichy intentions lamiral Leahy. Under German pressure, the recall Marshal Pétain Laval to power in April 1942, but Darlan remains commander in chief of land forces, sea and air. The real question is when Darlan was aware of the contacts in North Africa by Robert Murphy. This simply advise the US embassy in France is sending a mission to Algiers on April 24, 1942. This action comes at a time when the Americans play background map of the general Henry Giraud and 17 October 1942, Murphy cable to London and Washington to advocate "a solution that would establish between Giraud and Darlan fruitful collaboration." This proposal is welcomed in Washington as far "or foreshadows that the main opposition to an American landing will of the French fleet, rallying dune Darlan was therefore crucial." Although Alain Decaux questions the concept of "homing". INSPECTION A long-planned tour will lead Darlan in North Africa in the months from October 1942 and then left again for Vichy, the state of health of his sick son of polio requires returning to AFN November 5, 1942 without suspecting quune mighty American armada vogue to lAFN. The American landing procedures were prepared with the help of 5 French, Colonel Van Hecke, in the province of Oran van Hecke contacts already formed a network instigation of Dominican Father Thery, from which militates Henri Dastier of Vigerie (Lt. 2nd office) which is a monarchist fiercely anti-German but not seduced little Gaullist resistance, Van Hecke will make him deputy for youth camps. This is about this time that Van Hecke met Jean Rigault and Jacques Lemaigre. Lemaigre Rigault and discover the reality of forces established by Van Hecke: a group from Morocco, three French groups strain and a group of Muslims in Algeria, a group in Tunisia. Lemaigre- Dubrei Rigault and discover that their project clandestinely rearm dAfrique Northern army was considered by a young officer Captain Beaufre on the orders of Vichy Beaufre was arrested and sentenced to one year in prison. It also comes in contact with a young policeman who Achiary André original Basque to the help of a secret transmitter entered into relationship with the British secret services of Gibraltar. Achiary offers sassurer the assistance of Colonel Jousse, attached to the headquarters of Algiers and is a staunch republican. Furthermore, it will recruit a man of experience in the person of Jacques Saint-Hardouin Tarbe was a senior aide of General Weygand. It is a diplomat specializing in economic issues that have the flexibility to get in touch with Robert Murphy.

Van Hecke, Lemaigre, Rigault, Henry Dastier and St. Hardouin would therefore be 5 French personalities that would have helped Robert Murphy to prepare the landing in French North Africa. This thesis of the "five" is controversial historically only insofar Henry Dastier of Vigerie have actually contributed to the unification of resistance in North Africa while the putsch of Algiers was led by Aboulker and Colonel Germain Jousse. The group of five would have disappeared of Algiers on November 8, 1942. Only Henri Astier was in Algiers on the day of the coup and participated in arrests and strategic points of occupations performed by Aboulker Germain Jousse, Bernard Karsenty and their 400 comrades. The group of 5 Henry met General Giraud in conditions without being false and romanticized appear on this point it will be desirable to the reader interested in this historical episode to refer to Chapter 3 "phoney liberation" of the excellent work of Michèle Cointet "De Gaulle and Giraud laffrontement" which shows that Robert Murphy practiced a generalized system of corruption to achieve its requests: dune general Anglo-Saxon are not choirboys! In June 1942, Giraud had finally agreed to Van Hecke and Rigault on its intention to join the American plan of a landing in Algeria or intend to take command of all Allied forces. Finally, General Juin receives Robert Murphy at night and lAméricain linvite to rally to a landing that will unfold in the night with the agreement of General Giraud: the course of this scene with General Juin in pajamas is considered false by Me Michèle Cointet. Darlan is back in Algiers since 5 November 1942, the 6, is informed by General Bergeret quun landing is imminent. Robert Murphy presented him the situation and argues "that it is imperative that lamiral in the interest of France to seize the opportunity in gold soffre to him." Darlan seems terribly try to say yes immediately, but he rebounded to wait and decided not to compromise the position of Vichy. Algiers is already surrounded by Americans, in contrast, the actions of the plotters were no effects on the forces of Vichy device repossess the city, Darlan and June as lon said arrest are released by a platoon mobile guards, and in the harbor the Vichy batteries open fire on American ships attempting to force the pass. Meanwhile, Darlan was finally able to communicate with Vichy Marshal Petain told him "you know you have my full confidence" Darlan takes this pithy text for a blank check and considers that it can at least deal with the Americans with concerns Algiers, he does not feel authorized to do more fearing reprisals from the German troops in France (de facto, landing in North Africa will lead to Hitler trigger Attila directive authorizing the Wehrmacht to invade the free zone, this operation being dailleurs planned from the signing of the armistice France). General Juin confirms that fighting rages in Morocco between the Americans and the Vichy troops. Darlan still wishes not to intervene. On 9 November 1942, General Clark joins Algiers to speak directly to Darlan and indicate that it is in its interest to sign an armistice.

On 10 November 1942 General Clark asked Darlan to stop all fighting including Morocco otherwise it will be stopped, finally on insistence of General Juin, Darlan accepted. For US Darlan is "a temporary expedient" necessary and he embodies French Supreme lautorité in AFN. In reality, it should be noted that Tunisia is abandoned to the Germans by Vichy and must be reconquered subsequent manner by General GiraudDarlan maneuver well with the Americans and offers to go with them as far that he planned to go to the United States or not putting trust the NAFD territories.

For the Gaullists and the internal resistance is a traitor Darlan and "Darlan deal" of American pure infamy. Alain Decaux The emphasis put on a royalist plot that would have a glimpse of the Count of Paris an opportunity to succeed Darlan lamiral not as king but as convener of françaisFinalement, Alain Decaux noted an important element, London agrees to send an envoy to Algiers the person of François Dastier of Vigerie who commanded the army of French air in northern France in 1939-1940. On 19 December 1942, François Dastier of Vigerie meeting lentremise by his brother Henry Paul Saurin to whom he made an idyllic presentation of General de Gaulle and linvite to rally overall. Paul Saurin remain skeptical and explains the general Vigerie of the situation in Algiers "that he there for rallying anyone in Algiers to consider two realities that seem to escape: first the Americans do not want De Gaulle, secondly Darlan is in place. He sen na no desire to go. Quest you do Darlan? ". The response of the general Dastier Vigerie slap "Darlan will disappear," Saurin request "politically or physically? "; General Dastier of Vigerie is affirmative "Physically." François Dastier Vigerie of London to bring $ 40,000, $ 38,000 will be found at his home by police after the assassination of Darlan, the missing $ 2,000 were found on Bonnier de la Chapelle. According to Alain Decaux linstigateur conspiracy is undoubtedly Henry Dastier of Vigerie, and the agent runtime labbé Cordier and above it a Théry father who belonged to the Dominican lIntelligence Service. Therefore sagirait finally dune manipulation of the count of Paris to push to eliminate Darlan by a young naïfToujours in the words of Commissioner Achiary: "De Gaulle cover the Thery of honor father and a companion will release. The weight of honors stifle his remorse, he was not so nen for Henry Dastier that will always haunted by the memory of this crime and die in despair. " Lhypothèque account quickly lifted Paris, the place is free for Henry Giraud, who will be joined in Algiers by Charles de Gaulle, who jointly exercise the power with him in the CFLN before completely lévincer aspects of PoliciesRefund version adopted in 2005 by Michèle Cointet in his book "De Gaulle and Giraud laffrontement" Perrin editions is this "My opinion is that the assassination of Darlan lamiral was organized by the head of the Henry Dastier police Vigerie, with occasional help of local foreign secret services liquidate "Darlan Deal", this error Detat Department and President Roosevelt. It was intended to finally restore the situation envisaged by the plotters November 8, 1942: General Giraud wielding political power "(page 206): it is estimated that this version does not contradict the narrative made by Alain Decaux, which not ninsiste itself on the instigation of the execution Gaullist. However, it includes a manifest error, Henry never Dastier of entries Vigerie police chief, he was a lieutenant and member of the 2nd bureau before becoming ladjoint Van Hecker to youth camps.

The execution of Pierre Pucheu: the first French lépuration trial

In the context of the operation Torch, Pierre Pucheu seeks to General Giraud safe conduct enabling him to travel to Algiers BE incorporated in a combat unit. Pierre Pucheu arrived in Casablanca on May 6, 1943. It will be placed in the South under house arrest until his situation could be examined. " Pucheu is transferred to Ksar Es Souk. If no reply of General Giraud, Pierre Pucheu ended up writing August 7, 1943 General de Gaulle to Giraud linformer of the agreement for his stay in North Africa and the fact that it is ready to join a combat unit with the most modest grade if necessary and abandoning all political activity. No answer, but a transfer to the civil prison of Meknes. In mainland France 30 August 1943, the Central Committee of the resistance to rule on the case Pucheu dune extremely hard way, "Pierre Pucheu, former Interior Minister of Vichy, prisons provider and shootings, convicted of complicity dassassinat is sentenced to death by the French people. "

On 22 February 1941 lamiral Darlan constitutes his cabinet and on the recommendation of his chief of staff decides Barnaud of calling a team of young wolves, which will dailleurs the center of the pseudo synarchic plot that touches Vichy (!!?): Franco political relations -allemands entrusted to Benoit-Mechin, economic relations with the occupants to Barnaud, hiding information in Marion, the equipment to Lehideux, industrial production in Pucheu. In Berlin March 6, 1941 Benoit-Méchin nest indicates that the group joined the government as "live the most closely with Germany. The Group relies on ambassador Otto Abetz a plan for a new order in France whose first sentence states "we are convinced that it is our duty to follow from the defeat of France's victory LEUROPE" "We want to save France. We request the Führer to trust us. "

Under the impetus of French industry Pucheu sinvestit thoroughly in the manufacture of military equipment to lAllemagne Nazi: the only 1941 manufacturing will déquiper 18 armored divisions and infantry forty German divisions. Two thirds of the various equipment used by the Wehrmacht during winter 1941-1942 are original French. In 1950, Otto Abetz will never find that lAllemagne naurait obtained by force "even partially, the supplies delivered by the French Government." Pucheu very successful in Vichy Darlan and eventually offered him the interior portfolio. On 17 August 1942 a decree seems aggravating the measures taken against Jews. The upsurge of sabotage awarded by the German military command in occupied France, to communist pushes Pucheu to take the police a week of monitoring, audits and didentité darrestations: we stop those lon called "anarchists" one stops the families of communist militants already incarcerated, foreign Jews, and for good measure as lécrit Alain Decaux French Jews. Pierre Pucheu promised the Colonel Speidel, Chief of Staff Detat Stülpnagel dune law for promulgation den away with communists and anarchists. Pucheu decides to make things happen in Paris and in the provinces so we will create special sections, courts have authority to judge all conducted communist or anarchist; for those arrested in flagrante delicto not Investigating, judgment will be immediate. For other cases, will be assisted linculpé own motion and appointed defender of a judgment will be given within 8 days. Verdicts special sections, made within two days immediately executable and are likely daucuns resort. To enhance the fight against communist Pucheu created new police forces, special brigades that will show dune formidable efficiency. However, far from reducing the number of attacks with saccroît assassination of Colonel Holtz October 20, 1941, this time the German demand the execution of 50 hostages will be shot, they will be chosen from the resistant Chateaubriand held at Choisel Camp . From October 20, 1941 Pucheu is in possession of a list of which includes dune dozen communist names, others are non-communist personalities, including danciens fighter. Pucheu rejects this first list a second list is established or dominate the Communists and a number of trade unionists, the "new" list is subject to Pucheu leaving do.

The Pucheu trial begins March 4, 1944 before the Court of Algiers. The question of the list of hostages is a central issue, but the accusers Pucheu will not be able to present something quune absolute conviction. As discussed below, this is therefore a posteriori as irrefutable proof of the guilt of Pierre Pucheu be established March 11, 1944 The Pierre Pucheu is sentenced to death, but the court expresses the hope that the sentence will not be executed, this wish will sent to General de Gaulle. Lawyers came to ask the grace De Gaulle shows "that it ny has almost nothing in the record itself," but De Gaulle the fundamental motivation that pushes De Gaulle refused the grace of Pucheu Detat is the reason for the Free France must have dune legitimacy stronger than the state of French, and is given the kickoff of lépuration (John Paul Cointet "expiate Vichy") that will sort the wheat from livraie. In addition, the collaborationist credo Pierre Pucheu arouses no sympathy in me, he was part of the team Darlan, a rotten team, who wanted sengager in military collaboration with Germany, and on the bottom has very little to envy Pierre Laval ambitions
After liberation we find Chateaubriand the Kommandantur of archives including a letter to the German authorities from the sub-prefect Lecornu "as a result of our conversation today, I have the honor to confirm that Minister of the Interior contacted with General Von Stülpnagel to designate internees most dangerous communists among those currently concentrated Chateaubriand. Please find below the list of 60 individuals provided to date. PS after further examination of our dinternés lists, the state attached will be revised and a new final list will be sent. " So after October 20 Pierre Pucheu is intervened with the German command to inform him of communist internees considered more dangerous

The trial of Marshal Petain: A traitor, a true (he died in 1925, according to Charles de Gaulle)

The conditions daccession Philipe Pétain as head of the French Letat were discussed in detail in the review that i made louvrage Michel Cointet "Vichy" in the Tempus collection. From all available evidence on personal opinion of the General De Gaulle, the latter never na desired trial by the presence of the accused, sentenced to death in absentia was sufficient to De Gaulle, who continued to maintain its estimated Philippe Petain that the man had been.

The defense of Marshal Pétain is ensured by the barrister Payen, by Jacques Isorni who also defended Brassillach Robert and Joseph Simon. By decree, the accused is returned to the High Court of Justice, headed by three senior judge who all of course sworn to Marshal Petain. They are assisted by twelve jurors chosen from parliamentarians parliamentarians who have not voted July 10, 1940 full powers to Marshal. The Crown is provided by the lawyer General Mornet, the defense lamiral Esteva was able to produce a document showing that he worked under Vichy to the Naturalisation Board of Review, which has offset 6707 "fresh date naturalized" interested having lost the protection of French nationality were immediately handed over to the Nazis. Marshal Pétain will read a statement to the High Court, "() When i asked armistice, agree with our military leaders, I have completed a necessary and savior act armistice saved France and contributed to the defense of the Allies in ensuring a free Mediterranean and integrity of the Empire () should you condemn me, that my conviction is the latest and quaucun French would ever be convicted or detained for having obeyed the orders of their legitimate leader. " The Loustanau-Lacau Cagoulard former commander passed quickly to the General Delegation of the fighters in Vichy before joining the resistance, it is taken by the Vichy authorities, sent to the German and finally deported to Mauthausen: he says "I do not owe anything to Marshal Pétain, but that does not mempêche BE sickened by the sight of those in this room to try to pass a nearly century-old old man lardoise all their mistakes. " The testimony of Loustanau-Lacau was essential to show that Marshal Pétain wasnt member of the Hood, a contrario Marshal Franchet dEsperey. This information was Back then verify the existence of an alleged plot led to the military debacle then armistice. This conspiracy theory was still in force in 1945 was abandoned after the trial of Philippe Petain, many historians have had the opportunity to widen this hypothesis to denounce the falsehood As Robert O. Paxton who can definitively discredit the theory developed by the shield Marshal and the double game Legard Anglo-Saxon in 1973. Moreover this is the mother of a lieutenant who commanded a submarine during the Allied landing in Oran, who died in applying the guidelines to Vichy attack the allied forces "That's why our children are dead. They are dead, i ashamed to say, in lAllemagne Service () I put in question is the head of government in quun lAllemagne service is not a good French! ". One Communist testifies to Petain trial, as it is a tough survivor of Buchenwald, his argument is both simple, factual and ruthless, "the hardest blows that were brought to the resistance was lont by officers from Vichy government obeying the orders of the accused, we fear them specifically, because the police Gestapo nétaient usually not helped by the French. These officers were acting on orders and with the conviction to serve France, they were not only the most strenuous but also the most effective! ". Decaux indicates very well that "the Vichy government tried to save French Jews, this is abandoning to their fate the foreign Jews to finally prove powerless to save French Jews" in the field of louvrage Serge Klarsfeld "Vichy Auschwitz" is a book that restored a terrible reality by attributing responsibility to the German authorities and the Vichy authorities considerable their share

The argument of Jacques Isorni for Philipe Petain is quite brilliant and remarkable, but on the substance it changes very little. Charles de Gaulle is informed regularly Vorsprung trial and believes the reason Detat implies that Marshal Petain was sentenced to death (argument that it had already used in the trial of Pierre Pucheu. It also develops a theme that personally return the haunt in years 1967-1969, as an individual this time: answering a question of the general Hering. "I Dont forget anything sir Marshal is a great man who for me died in 1925. At Vichy he was too old . Do not let age in power. You see sir, the big policy case is whether to withdraw in time "When the verdict, the death penalty was passed by fourteen votes against and thirteen votes, this is nevertheless first sworn resistant offering daccompagner Larret Motion "Taking into account the advanced age of the accused, the High Court of Justice expresses the hope that the death sentence will not be executed." The High Court of Justice to condemn Marshal Pétain the death penalty in national lindignité, confiscation of property. Petain was exiled to the island dYeu and died July 23, 1951.

The execution of Pierre Laval, Vice Chairman: a disgrace for French justice.

Pierre Laval is a man who is still marked by the pacifist policy dAristide Briand and always remain in this purely pacifist perspective seems to be very little with Hitler. Laval said that to preserve peace it would have negotiated with the devil himself, and ultimately that is what happened to him Furthermore, we must discern, in Laval, Darlan lamiral as in a desire for political cooperation with Germany Nazi who may elicit the most severe condemnation. Pierre Laval is a man who in June 1940 was a geopolitical choices based on elements that were available at that time: this is to say, the inevitable victory of Germany in Europe. Conversely, this European geopolitical analysis, CDG believes that this war is global and what will lentrer line industrial power of the United States of America (although as noted by Eric Roussel in his biography of De Gaulle, the -C post admits that "it was also a bluff that succeeded."

Initially, Pierre Laval will try sexiler in Switzerland where he was declared persona non grata, to finally temporary refuge in Spain help of a Junker 88 made available by the German authorities. LESPAGNE does not wish sembarrasser of a character as bulky and fairly quickly it will mean that his presence is undesirable, it is quite possible that Francisco Franco has agreed dexpulser Laval against the normalization of diplomatic relations with France and lobtention of a true French diplomat in Madrid .
Finally this is almost back to square one with a departure lAllemagne: Pierre Laval and his wife are given to French forces near Innsbruck by American soldiers The October 5, 1945 Pierre Laval appeared before the High Court of Justice, to prepare the impossibility defense of their client, Naud and Baraduc lawyers prefer to withdraw and explain their decision in writing to the President Montgibeaux. The prosecutor replied that Mornet "has not been sudden linstruction. She started it five years ago, the day with Pétain, Laval sest seized power ". The rest of the hearings taking place in the greatest of disorders, dinformation addition requested by Laval is not granted; parliamentary jurors begin to berate Pierre Laval which will no longer cited to appear. On 9 October, the Attorney General Mornet say the indictment, and then after a short deliberation the death sentence is pronounced.

General de Gaulle himself is appalled by this turn of events and asks Pierre Henri Teitgen sil place to start a trial there, Teitgen boot into touch and indicates that the "sentence imposed is aware, perfectly justified in substance and quen Consequently the sentence should be reduced to execution. " Pierre Laval décide de se suicider à laide dune ampoule de cyanure de potassium, mais trop tardivement, il est encore en vie lorsquon vient le chercher pour le conduire devant le peloton dexécution, on décide de procéder à deux injections de camphre pour le ranimer et on procède à 17 lavements destomac. En dernier instance, Laval est exécuté dans la cour de la prison, debout devant un poteau dexécution improvisé, une simple planche de bois, « un sergent lui porte le coup de grâce en plein fond ce qui le défigure » Une fin infamante pour lhomme qui a dit souhaiter la victoire de lAllemagne pour éviter que le bolchevisme ne déferle sur lEurope et qui a fait déporter des enfants juifs Sur le fond Pierre Henri Teitgen a parfaitement raison, cest un coupable qui a été exécuté, mais dans des conditions indignes

Top and functional Rank: 4/5
February 1
seether Rank: 4/5
July 23
as ++++ 2 Rank: 5/5
August 8
Does not work, but good service! Rank: 2/5
November 23
a real workhorse Rank: 5/5
October 27

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