Brilliant singer!

Brilliant singer!

Echo (Audio CD)

Customer Review

I miss when Leona Lewis actually getting the words.

I just want to say once that this woman has the best voice that a new artist (who also managed worldwide in the charts has), in the 21st century could bring.

And waiting for the next great singer was worth it, even if it took admittedly rather long.

The biggest voices come slowly in the years or are already dead ... some big names: Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Toni Braxton ...

Christina Aguilera has in my opinion, never really managed to ascend the leap to a gigantic singer in this elite squad. The course is still great, but there was missing still the icing on the cake like, are also at your chosen style and the way you have taken. When Mulan theme song, however, showed they could more or differently.

There would then still Tina Turner, great, but probably too specific and, we must admit well deserved retirement. My exemplary list must not be based on completeness, if other readers have wanted more often called great voices here.

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The second album Echo by Leona Lewis is so great. There are no weak songs, no song, in which the great, magnificent, extensive voice is not reflected.

And is great, it gives no music that constricts your vote. Her voice has always something to do and it never comes before the listener so that the voice could do nothing great.

I generally recommend that you often listen to the album, only the high quality crystallized out. Even then only really noticeable how unique each song is, and how the uniqueness is also produced by the singer with every several possible variation. It seems that never put on, never exaggerated or too much. Also, never strained. Depending on your mood you can get goose bumps, to have to get involved with the songs and the voice just really.

Round: music, relax and these magnificent voice build an inner temple to worship.

Who Leona Lewis does not like, I just want to tell that everyone must of course have a different flavor, clearly, but I think no one can say justified here that this woman is not musical or singing, so especially in the technical sense, not dominated. So I believe that certainly in the I mentioned the other big names, not every singer everyone meets the same well, but as a human being or prejudice you nevertheless detect if someone can sing, is musical and something very special brings.

Thank you for reading.

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