George, Duke of Clarence

George, Duke of Clarence

Third Plantagenet (Hardcover)

Customer Review

Caveat: Who knows Ashdown-Hill, know that this book is not read by the way: it is very precise, attaches great importance to well-founded conclusions, is economical with speculation and calls this always clear. One has the book "by working" in order to benefit from it (at least that was the case with me).
The book is divided into shorter capital. The sources used are always at the end of each chapter, which is very pleasant. There CHARTS complicated relationships are explained, many of the details listed and of course there are also new findings!
The book begins with the family background of George, Duke of Clarence. It is his father's futile struggle for the throne, under Henry VI, treated. This easy to understand and clear. It also explains why the 14th and 15th century look. might arise such rivalries to claim the throne.
It is described, inter alia, as George grows up, with which the many brothers and sisters, as (unlike Edward and Richard) after defeating Edwards he must assume his new role as a magnate without preliminary knightly training, as his relationship with the brothers Edward and Richard is. A.-H. Also try (carefully) with psychological explanations, however, the often turn out thin.
Treated will further the relationship Edwards to Eleanor Talbot and later, also secret, marrying Elizabeth Woodeville. Of course, the relationship of George to Warwick: his collaboration with him, manipulating him through. A.-H. describes how George could have learned from the (very probable) bigamy of his brother, who was responsible for spreading the rumors of Edward IV. It is the act of attainder (with its interesting peculiarities!) Listed and explained. The seemingly strange way the execution of George (by drowning) is discussed and historical examples are given.
Finally, describes how and where George and his wife Isabel were buried (Tewkesbury Abbey) how frequently the tomb was opened and later modified for further burials and what the final examination (2013) in the crypt still existing remains found , Recently, some of the descendants living today come from George to speak.
At the end of the book one gets the impression that A.-H. really all sources is about George, Duke of Clarence, used and worked out with its precise nature new insights. I also find this book of his highly recommended.

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