CELLE Rock City !!!

CELLE Rock City !!!

Juggernaut (Audio CD)

Customer Review

If someone had told a few years ago that the good old thrash metal would again celebrate such a strong revival ... I would probably those considered completely crazy. But now this brand of Heavy Metal pleased again the utmost popularity, what we owe above all the "old hands" of the genre. But in addition to the new albums by eg TESTAMENT ("The Formation Of Damnation"), Metallica ("Death Magnetic"), EXODUS ("The Atrocity Exhibition"), DEATH ANGEL ("Killing Season") or, more recently KREATOR ("Hordes of Chaos "), the thrash scene rejoice one or other unexpected gem via the. Just as in the case of the North German Mosh Quartet DRONE, which has one of the best debut albums I've ever released in 2007 with "Head on collosion". Already on their debut zockte the band from Lower Saxony a great mix of PANTERA, MACHINE HEAD, LAMB OF GOD with minimal metalcore touch. DRONE convinced this from the first until the last second by its irrepressible power, but at the same time had a good hand for fine melodies and effective choruses. In this respect was "Head On Collision" an ideal start ... the foundation was ever laid, and the foundation for a hopefully successful future was cast.
One could therefore be really interesting to see if DRONE would succeed on their new album "Juggernaut" a comparable stroke of genius. And after several Hördurchläufen this 10-trackers can in any case say that the band will continue at full throttle. Energetic grenades like "Grow A Storm", "Done & Dusted" or the variable opener "Boneless" thunder time a lot in the rafters, and have nevertheless always a melodic touch. Show especially in terms of guitar work DRONE again and again that good Modern Thrash does not have to come exclusively from Amiland. Especially as far as the raw power riffing, you can be sure that the good old Dimebag Darrel (RIP) would have loved to "Juggernaut". Most of the songs are moving mostly in the mid-tempo, then discharged but unexpectedly in high-speed eruptions. And its "Mosh Pit" -Tauglichkeit is ensured by occasional metalcore breakdowns. Despite all the praise I have to personally say, however, that my DRONE debut but has fallen even more. War on "Head on collosion" yet each song a blast, so have yet crept in "Juggernaut" some weaker numbers that make the disc altogether sink something in mediocrity. Tracks like "Closing credit", "Motör-heavy piss-take" or the below average "TIA" and "Piss drunk" there is a lack of heaviness ... certainly not the contrary. But it simply lacks the brilliant idea that musical brainstorms, ensure that the listener for the expected eye-opening experience. Most numbers are really going very promising, but then lose in the middle part rather quickly their charm. The complete opposite is again a saustarker song like "No pattern" (with Rap-Part and catchy chorus !!!), which puts the listener a proper adrenaline rush, and for much compensated, which unfortunately is not true on this disc. I do not really have long fallen not so hard to find a meaningful conclusion to a disc. Because "Juggernaut" has quite his strong points. Hmmm ..... one of my best friends sometimes has the odd habit to describe ordinary everyday situations in the style of a football commentator (!!!). I guess that his comment about "Juggernaut" would turn out as follows:
"DRONE combined over the entire season complacent, without shine. They are field superiority, but let itself biggest chances unused. The end result is a deserving work victory, but for the next game day much air can be upward. And now back to the connected radio houses. "