Great album !!!  Partly harsh sound !!!

Great album !!! Partly harsh sound !!!

Watch the Throne (Audio CD)

Customer Review

Musically one of the best hip hop albums ever !!! But two star deduction for the occasional poor sound quality of some songs on the album! eg No.2 with Beyonce. Sounds mixed from the sound very flat and bad !!! Mir is now but already noticed on several albums by Kanye West, the different tracks sonically sound like pulled out of the gully! Either a device from his broken amplification system, or they do it on purpose! Very disappointing! He should bring his albums sound real time on a hat!

Very good computer Rank: 4/5
May 8
Nice little game and unpretentious Rank: 4/5
December 10
fast delivery 5 1 Rank: 5/5
March 28
not red but blue Rank: 4/5
November 15