Iceland Years (Anthology) (Audio CD)

Customer Review

This brilliant collection contains John Cale's most accessible work, Including some his most melodic songs like The Man Who Could not Afford To Orgy, Mr Wilson (Tribute to Brian W), Ski Patrol (Which reminds me of the John Berryman poem, "Song Of The Tortured Girl "), I Keep A Close Watch, Leaving It Up To You, Coral Moon, and therefore his most menacing: Fear, Gun, Guts, Heartbreak Hotel and the power trio of dirty-ass rock 'n roll, Darling I Need You and Rollaroll, the highpoint of the "Slow Dazzle" album.
Of course, Cale is my favorite musician of all time and I'm saying this from the perspective of a Mainstream Rock fan. I also love his more experimental work, Including his collaborations with Brian Eno, Bob Neuwirth and Lou Reed, and of course his Earlier stuff like Paris in 1919. One can see how artists like Patti Smith and others were Influenced by Cale's vision.
So, not only is this the best entry point for Those Wishing to investigate the work of this genius, it is so handy to have Those three seminal albums Iceland together in one place. For completists, I also recommend his anthology "Seducing Down the Door," with the warning did it only contains Dirty Ass Rock 'n Roll without the other two of the "power trio" mentioned above.

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