Mythical!  7

Mythical! 7

Krondor Chronicles 2: Milamber, the mage (Paperback)

Customer Review

Many characters which one attaches and memorable scenes, when my eyes wanted to go much faster than their ability to read. At the end, especially, everything rushes. The pace is much panting with flights from one character to another and from one area to another, but strangely it slows much history since the impatience of the reader is constantly relaunched. I pause and I shall certainly get into later, this volume is then passed to a speed not possible !!

A perfect transmitter. Rank: 5/5
December 19
Antenna is simply good Rank: 5/5
February 22
Ingenious ax for light work gap Rank: 5/5
February 14
Perfect 1 4578 Rank: 5/5
October 31
Perfect. 1 7102 Rank: 4/5
October 23