I do not get enough 3

I do not get enough 3

The Hunger Games (Bad) (CD)

Customer Review

First, do not be surprised, the majority of present songs in this album is not in the film. In reality it is a contribution on the theme of the movie / book "The Hunger Games" ... and this contribution - involving great artists - gives an excellent album, which is rare for this type of operation public vocation and largely commercial.
The songs, all very different, you will be in the world without melancholy district Hunger Games, and there is no one to throw. Actually, I listen to this album in a loop for a while already and still can not get enough. If you understand English, I also invite you warmly to turn your attention to the lyrics.
To remember then, among the stars of "soundtracks" .... And you'll love even if you do not particularly enjoy the world of Hunger Games.