I Believe I Can Fly

I Believe I Can Fly

A Story About My Uncle (PC) (Video Game)

Customer Review

Many gamers rave about it ... the feeling to climb for the first time in World Of Warcraft a flight Mount and to sail in the skies ... free and unbound. Very few have forgotten this impression. "A Story About My Uncle" leaves similar tracks; Never before had I felt so angelic! I'm going to give anything away from the story, only this: with the help of a high-tech suit you are capable of by energetic Enter Harken to shimmy through the air. Gradually extend the capabilities and at the end you fly loose by 40 seconds the level! The whole thing accomplished is fluffy and easy - the controls are a dream. Then there is the unique atmosphere that is created by the setting and the story ... you lose yourself literally in aviation.

- For some perhaps too short playing time
- Character Models = improvement (Indy-style)
- Easy abrupt end
+ The end of the end, however, is beautiful
+ Easy to learn
+ Breathtaking scenery
+ An unprecedented feeling of weightlessness
+ Beautiful story with nice details

Within a few hours it reaches the end. I am still enthusiastic and full of adrenaline. So free I have never felt in a videogame. Can this little trip recommend to anyone! Takes off and tell your friends about this undervalued Indy "Gem"!

Super comfortable 9 Rank: 5/5
August 25
Simply madness 2 Rank: 5/5
October 18
Very good 1508 Rank: 5/5
November 10
beautiful gloves! Rank: 5/5
August 16
Super bracelet quality! Rank: 4/5
September 17