Confusing ... boredom

Confusing ... boredom

Journal of depression (Paperback)

Customer Review

I went through several stages from reading this supposedly following the Disappearance Diary of Azuma I had loved it! But really loved it, I found it exciting, excellent and will remain among my mangas (gegika) favorites for its maturity and openness to evoke depression and SDF desired life (the author running away and abandons everything).

So I expected a lot from reading this supposed suite: at the stage of excitement was quickly replaced by that of deep disappointment ... From the first pages, the author, completely depressed when writing, tells us her day in its largest platitude "raised such a time, I ate Japanese food such [noodles, noodles and noodles everyday ..] I was at the library or bookstore, I barely drawn 3 trifles, I fed him drugs, I slept. "

It is no more interesting than that, he did strictly nothing going on in his life, or at least, if there are things going on it does not see and is not at all able to tell us so lively and interesting. Besides, the author confesses that even at a time of the book he reads and concludes that "it's boring" (sic!) And even demand that could be interested in reading this nonsense. ..

So I quickly moved to the stage of anger as I turned the pages: always the same, flat, inept and depressing ... I wondered if they cared less to be read? To have readers who have paid this book and therefore expect a contribution (of humor, entertainment, interest, or whatnot ...). None of that here.

In anger finally substituted the desire to intellectualize this UFO that does not deserve the book title if not total futility. Indeed, as highlighted in the previous comment, the interest of the work is finally it tells us what depression is terribly real way ...

The empty days, total solitude, lack of interest in the things of life, lack of interest in everything and daily actions which are reduced to a minimum: room (without cooking), toileting sleeping ... And meanwhile gorging m ***** pharmaceutical worsening his case .. And possibly go out in a usual place and not scary for the author: the library and the bookstore.

He flees into the reading is his way of passing the time, with a little TV, and there we list without any precision or comment constructed its Japanese reading and TV programs over the days ... Boredom.

In short, in conclusion, the brave like me who go to the end of this horror to read will be disappointed not to be rewarded for their courage as read the whole book or the 1st chapter gives exactly the same feeling: that the Depression told without distance by an author completely immersed in his suffering and therefore does not care at all to offer an interesting work for the reader.

Passable UFO and really not necessary ... Prefer the "Disappearance Diary" really good enough and it at least.