Again - I love it!

Again - I love it!

You All Look The Same To Me (Tour Edition / Nouvelle Edition 2 CD) (Audio CD)

Customer Review

When I in 2002 first heard this album, I fell asleep. But the more I listened to the CD, the better I liked it. There are big hits, such AGAIN and NEED. But who wants to just quickly hear some songs in between, who missed the beauty of YOU ALL LOOK THE SAME TO ME. Only those who listen to this album at a time, the best and undisturbed through headphones, which opens up the perfection of Archives masterpiece.
Something happens to a when you hear this album. After these 80 minutes of music has changed. Although Craig Walker and his band write mostly melancholy lyrics and melodies, it's uplifting to hear this music. Afterwards you will feel better. Vaccinated against the everyday, the often depressing dull languishes there.

Simply good! 84 Rank: 5/5
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