When history becomes history ...

When history becomes history ...

The apothecary (Paperback)

Customer Review

If the plot of this book is simple enough at first, then his narrative more complex and gradually become strong documented throughout the novel. The story begins in the paris of Philip the Fair and later became a sort of "road movie" that takes us from medieval Spain to the Sinai border. The author uses history (trial of the Templars, theological disputes, court cabals and power ...) this intrigue to bounce in different directions. The reconstructions of the places through which the heroes are thorough and solid. The characters quickly become endearing especially this apothecary progressive ideas in which man of the XXI will thrive to compare. The "bad guys" are particulèrement disturbing and sadistic. The whole is sprinkled with a solid knowledge on the use of plants and other drugs used or made up by the hero himself "addicted" to a poppy-based concoction :)
In summary a good time to go along with this book engaging and informative.