Cold Case 2

Cold Case 2

Desecration: The second investigation department V (Paperback)

Customer Review

Jussi Adler Olsen offers us with "Desecration" the second investigation the Department V.

After 480 pages, the verdict is final and similar criticism to the first volume ("Mercy").

Beyond the friendly investigators duo Morck the cop and his assistant Assad, this thriller fishing a blatant lack of originality.
The author fails to transcend the concept of "Cold Case" and offers a too traditional investigation and bland.
The reading pleasure remains present through a smooth writing and a controlled narrative, but this is enough to keep the reader's attention that ends up getting bored until the final chapter.

In summary: "Desecration" is not a bad story, but it does not hold a candle to a Michael Connelly (for appearance "Cold Case") or Arnaldur INDRIDASON (for the side "thriller "cold").

Signed Cedric "DvdMan"