Novel around Alzheimer's disease

Novel around Alzheimer's disease

The flight of the butterfly (Paperback)

Customer Review

Alice, fifties, is Professor at Harvard in Boston cognitive psychology. She researcher husband, like her, and three children. Everything will start with a lack of the word (the word "lexicon") at a conference. Then one day she is lost in her neighborhood. She finally make an appointment with their GP and a neurologist. After eliminating various assumptions, was diagnosed with early Alzheimer's. Then the slow descent into memory loss: short-term losses, confusion ... and quickly disorders are increasing. It ends up no longer recognize her husband, her daughters herself. A novel in which we live "inside" the progressive loss of memory. The experience of an Alzheimer's patient is simulated in a nice romantic frame. Despite the tragedy of history, there is no lamentation. Sad indeed, but informative about the disease.

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