A tribute or treason?

A tribute or treason?

Rip Kirby Volume 1 (Hardcover)

Customer Review

The disappointment is commensurate with the wait: huge.
As soon as one opens the book that hits you in the face. This too white paper. These too strong contrasts. Are known. We have already seen. For example the latest reissue of tight garage. One seeks. We find. In any small small page 2. Printed in Korea.
Slaughterers. Thugs.
The too violent and rough printing eat all the subtleties of the line. All that gives it its finesse, her sweet patterned, mellow sound. Compared with the French gilou-glénat ed, excellent on its ivory paper. And it's done. But this old gilou-glénat edition stopped in Volume 1, with only 4 stories. I waited with joy to finally read ALL kirby / alex raymond.
Alex raymond is, for me, the largest BD cartoonist of all time. Nobody draws like her body. Faces. Nobody has ever had his touch. Neither his sense of black and white.
This edition "ultimate" is supposed to worship him.
She betrayed him.