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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (Video Game)

Customer Review

I play online for Modern Warfare 3, I do not know the others opus but for me it is much better than is predecessor. I find much more balanced, for example, for the release of "scoring tricks", the mode is used point rather than kills (allows to benefit the actions related to the game mode rather than kills). Then I'm not too zombies and campaign, but I have tested quickly and I find quite nice.
Small bémole, network plant regularly. And I find it silly to be put on probation while this is the part that bugged and not the player who "rage quit." Finally, the hardcore mode is very little provided in game mode, I hope it will be arranged with updates. I preferred mode ricochet MW3 get fired because of part three guys because of your teams walked past you when you pulled it annoys !!!