Banality of a SIRE SAD ...

Banality of a SIRE SAD ...

Real has not occurred (Paperback)

Customer Review

yet another opus (this time on literature) manipulation and other disguises to Onfray ... again through the wrong end of the telescope, and again simply dishonest (intellectually), and simply to talk about him in yet another crusade against the alleged "statues", legends or myths. And always this tone (his trademark) with his thought as THE truth !! Staggering and disturbing, for a so-called philosopher.

If Onfray is still less Manichean, simplistic and ultimately impostor with the text of Cervantes with Sade, despite everything, that we should applaud this gloss, full of simplifications, clichés and banalities (as if we knew that DQ was the victim of his illusions!?!), as a so-called (re) discovery of "Don Quixote", after what that said, among other things, Marthe Robert, Borges, Carlos Fuentes, Alfred Schütz , etc.
it is breathtaking!
As well take an ordinary flat beard Mambrino's helmet!

Thus, we read with much more profit, interest, passion and joy, first (STILL!) "Don Quixote", in its entirety (to read a lot, otherwise challenging than just "denial of reality" - and first how Don Quixote is also a man in search of love, like most) - and also for the festival laughing and brilliant humor conceals, almost every page, this unique masterpiece of world literature. But as for HUMOR, is already known for some time that Mr. Onfray seems to be totally lacking.
... And also for a thinner reading (economic) but profitable, the small trial, former, but recently reissued by Allia, Alfred Schütz, on the same question (what is real?), But otherwise subtle and true to Cervantes "Don Quixote AND THE PROBLEM OF REALITY"

64 pages which are worth 800 Onfray

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Rather than focusing so heavily in the episode of the windmills, analyzing for example that of Master Peter's Puppet Theatre, Schütz shows that the world of DQ otherwise complex (like all reality) than the usual Manichaeism to Onfray - because through this adventure, like the cave Montesinos, DQ begins to doubt its own identity, which will lead to the loss of his illusions and the tragedy of his unhappy conscience because Cervantes shows how brilliantly reality, dream, imagination, pure fiction mingle inextricably personal ... and it is indeed the case of the human soul (which has nothing to do with the binary oppositions of a Onfray - indeed, the evolution of DQ as Sancho, and their universe, beliefs, makes clear). We are also fictional beings, and if we deny our own share of dreams and imagination, so why a book?

"Whether beings or what they produce, you really love what never ceases to close on its own enigma. And if the last page of a book does not close on an inaccessible world, what is this book? "
Annie Le Brun

Protection (-), Convenience (+) and Aesthetics (+) Rank: 4.0 stars out of 5 "height =" 12 "border =" 0 "/>/5
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