A closed circle slowly

A closed circle slowly

Rainy Day Music (Audio CD)

Customer Review

This band is not irrepressible. Who had thought after the departure of Marc Olson 1994, the Jayhawks have no chance in the meantime must be taught a lesson. With Marc Olson first went to the country-rock share, however, remained part of the pop ... and is still Gary Louris. The output of the band has become more sparse, but this new album you can really look forward to. Gary Louris, Tim O'Reagan and Marc Perlman did an album in the coordinates Beatles, Byrds and Eagles to do it, which the country rock / pop / folk the Jayhawks before 1994 of all follow-up LPs closest kommt.'Stumbling Through the Dark 'starts kinda like' Mr. Tambourine Man 'by the Byrds,' Tailspin 'then one of the best songs, here too, the Byrds are more than godfather. So it goes Song for song, time, references indicate the Beatles, sometimes you can hear the magnificent Eagles harmonies out. 'Save it for a Rainy Day' sounds like an outtake from her masterpiece HOLLYWOOD TOWN HALL. Tim O'Reagan may then sing his song 'Do not LetThe World Get In Your Way' even after he has probably previously inhaled for days the voice of John Lennon. Interesting guests are also in the musical environment: Matthew Sweet, Bernie Leadon, Stephen McCarthy (Long Ryders), Chris Stills or Jakob Dylan (Wallflowers).
The first edition of the CD comes with a bonus-shekel, which contains Unveröffentlichem predominantly acoustic versions of songs of the first CD, but with 'Waiting for the Sun' an unplugged live version of a Hollywood TOWNHALL classic. A closed circle really slow. The Jayhawks are back in Americana Olympus!

Good quality, fast shipping 1 Rank: 5/5
December 22
Good shoes with a small flaw Rank: 4/5
February 1
fun 20 2 Rank: 4/5
January 1
emouvant January 16 Rank: 5/5
June 13
Not bad at all 99 Rank: 4/5
March 6
Finally !!!! 106 Rank: 5/5
November 4