Three brothers to unhealthy relationships

Three brothers to unhealthy relationships

As a brother (Paperback)

Customer Review

"As a brother" is rather engaging initially. An old man said, in a cafe in town, to those who will listen, the drama of which he witnessed. We believe it almost. But very quickly, a hackneyed vision of the campaign (only the mention of the televisions to date the story in a not too distant time) and characters that one might craggy as they are not embodied started dull my interest. I persevered considering the novel a bit like a fairy tale, where a token could overcome the lack of credibility. I saw three brothers, a figure of the ogre, a brother too loved and low criminal mind and cursed spite of himself. But again, their unhealthy relationships and unlovable characters have not taken me very far. I have not found the moral that one expects of a tale. Even my interest in horses has not managed to enhance my reading. Creepy without being relevant, "As a brother," I was not at all deceived. It was the first novel of the author I read and definitely the last.

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