In reality, not a revolution but a coup d'Bolshevik Military (Communist) absolutely not "betrayed" but perpetuated !!!

In reality, not a revolution but a coup d'Bolshevik Military (Communist) absolutely not "betrayed" but perpetuated !!!

The Revolution Betrayed (Paperback)

Customer Review

Is it still necessary to present Leon Trotsky? He was the co-founder, with Lenin and Stalin, the first regime and totalitarian systems of the twentieth century: Communism (Bolshevism)!
Trotsky wrote this book in 1936. just before the first fake "Moscow Trials" Stalinists that led to the appalling crime of mass might be the "Great Terror" of 1937-1938.

As most "big" Criminals of History, Trotsky certainly suffering from serious diseases. Schizophrenia is perhaps not the most serious of these diseases, but is also widespread among Totalitarian Dictators ... Indeed, how could Trotsky discuss his criminal liability in Russian history without change , mitigate, oust, transform, deny; or even completely revise its own convenience? Similarly, how to take or not to take more or less, orders, decrees, laws, and that the heinous acts committed Dictator Trotsky?
Anyway, as I am not a psychologist and that Trotsky is a great writer, you have to know precisely this period of Russian history, to read between the lines. Indeed, his ability to write and powerful handling capacity, mean that Trotsky is capable of believing that history is His story, not the real story ...
Moreover, since 1917, many people were deceived his devious trap.

Trotsky begins his book by acknowledging the hint and using countless euphemisms and contempt, condescension and frankly the Trotskyist Newspeak, the establishment of the totalitarian Bolshevik regime has done neither in softness, much less in a Democratic part (this is the least we can say!), but rather, in reality, by the mass of Terror (page 11):

"The insignificance of the Russian bourgeoisie was that the democratic aims of the backward Russia, such as the liquidation of the monarchy and of a peasant servitude national half-serfdom, could be achieved only through the dictatorship of proletariat. But having won power at the head of the peasant masses, the proletariat could not limit itself to democratic achievements. "

Trotsky then returns briefly to the beginnings of the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks. Having lied to himself his whole life and thus to others, by ideology and self-packaging, it has always been torn between the fact of assuming or not, his immeasurable crimes. A perfect example of this specificity of his Ideological determinism and this amazing ability to switch roles between victims (the people) and executioners (the Bolshevik Party), is expressed on page 22:

"The first three years after the revolution were those of an avowed and bitter civil war. The economic life was completely subordinated to the needs of fronts. In the presence of extremely limited resources, cultural life happening in the background, characterized by the bold scope of creative thinking, and first and foremost that of Lenin. รง'est called the period of "war communism" (1918-1922), the parallel heroic "war socialism" capitalist countries. The economic objectives of Soviet power are reduced primarily to support the war industries and leverage of scarce existing reserves to fight famine and to save the population of cities. The war communism was fundamentally a regulation consumption in a besieged fortress.
It must be recognized that his original intentions were wider. The Soviet government hoped and tried to draw a command economy regulations in the field of consumption as in the production. In other words, he thought move gradually without system modification, of war communism in the true communism. The program of the Bolshevik party adopted in 1919 said: "In the field of distribution, the Soviet power perseveres unflinchingly in the substitution of a trade product distribution organized nationwide on the comprehensive plan."
But the conflict is increasingly accused between reality and war communism of the program: production kept falling, not only as a result of the adverse consequences of hostilities, but also because the stimulus of individual interest was failure to producers. The city asked the campaigns of grain and raw materials, without giving them in exchange more than colorful vignettes called money because of an old habit. The muzhik buried his reserves. The government sent out armed workers detachments enter grains. The peasant sowed less. Industrial production in 1921, the year after the end of the civil war, rose, in the best case, the fifth of the prewar. Steel production fell from 4.2 million tonnes to 183 000 tonnes, twenty-three times less. The overall harvest fell from 801 million hundredweight to 503 in 1922. This was a terrible famine. Foreign trade plummeted from 2,900 million rubles to 30 million. The destruction of the productive forces surpassed anything known in history. The country, and with it the power, found themselves at the very edge of the abyss.
The utopian hopes of the war communism were subsequently subjected to a very severe criticism and just in many ways. The theoretical error committed by the ruling party would remain yet utterly inexplicable if we lose sight that all calculations were based at the time on the expectation of a speedy victory of the revolution in the West. "

Trotsky's justification attempted here, again, extremely laborious and even quite absurd. For in reality, it is indeed this intransigent policy of War Communism to Terrorist character consisting essentially forced requisitions and in total agricultural crops among farmers, which led to the outbreak of the Civil War in Russia between 1918 and 1921, and the gigantic Famine of 1921-1922 doing ..., 5,000,000 dead!

This inner duality, with Trotsky, between this willingness to assume all the terrible consequence of the application of its totalitarian ideology, and at the same time, knowing that it is morally, intellectually and most humanly impossible to assume totally, the thus pushes to lie ... When trying to assume, he lies in attempting to magnify his story, and when it does not assume, he lies still twisting reality, by denying or avoiding to mention some facts too compromising and particularly difficult to justify.
Not only the terrible War Communism policy has not "regulated" Famine, but what is more, has condemned millions of peasants to certain death by the mass of Famine, as they found themselves deprived of the means immediate subsistence, and very often the possibility of reseeding for the next harvest!
And the consequences have been dramatic for the whole economy. The policy of War Communism, taken in the form of five-year plans and collectivisation by Stalin, from the early 30s, continued to have dramatic repercussions on agricultural production of the whole territory of Russia (later the USSR), and for many years ...

In 1921, the country was completely ablaze and economically battered, Lenin must backtrack with this almost hilarious irony of history (if it were not so tragic!), Having to resort to .. ., Capitalism, through his famous NEP (New Economic Policy) in March 1921, at the time of the massacre perpetrated by ... Kronstadt, Trotsky himself! (Page 23):

"Lenin motivated the necessity of restoring the market by the existence in the country of millions of isolated peasant farms accustomed to define by their trade relations with the surrounding world. The movement of goods was to" weld "between farmers and . nationalized industry The theoretical formula of "welding" is very simple: the industry must provide the necessary goods campaigns, at prices such that the State could waive the requisition of agricultural products.
The consolidation of economic relations with the campaigns was undoubtedly the most urgent task and the most difficult of NEP. Experience quickly showed that the industry itself, although socialized, needed monetary calculation methods developed by capitalism. The plan can not be based solely on data intelligence. The forces of supply and demand remains for him, and for a long time, the essential material basis and savior fix.
Legalized market began its work with the assistance of a monetary system back in order. From 1923 through the first impulse came from the countryside, industry revived and it was soon to show intense activity. Suffice it to say that production doubled in 1922 and 1923 and in 1926 reached its pre-war period, which means that it has increased fivefold since 1921. The increase with crops, but much more modestly. "

Then Trotsky describes the extermination policy of Stalin, that of "the liquidation of the kulaks as a class"; policy already initiated by Lenin in 1918, making Kulaks a category of privileged enemies of the totalitarian Bolshevik regime. We have already seen that the Stalinist policy of total collectivization was she, also, a cover or a simple continuation of War Communism policy, established by Lenin (page 33):

"The government, surprised by the extent of the turn, could not and did not know how to prepare little as it was, politically, its new developments. As farmers, local authorities did not know what was required of .. The peasants they were exasperated by rumors of "confiscation" livestock It was not so far from the truth, he was seen soon The purpose once lent to the opposition, to caricature his views, was realized. The bureaucracy "plundered the countryside" collectivization was first for the peasant expropriation is complete socialized not only horses, cows, sheep, pigs, but until the chicks "is confiscated kulaks"... - an eyewitness wrote abroad - "to the felt boots removed for small children." The result of all this was that farmers sold their cattle in bulk at low prices or cut down to draw meat and leather. "

In fact, even if critical Trotsky Stalin's policy of being too "bureaucratic", he always preferable to capitalism, because if it considers that Communism is not perfectly happened under Stalin, the inviolable dogma of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat still required in the USSR. And Trotsky, ideologically, is that right basics! it is clear that Stalin is the perfect successor of Lenin, also logically, since it was his "student" and humble servant for two decades, since the beginning of 1900. Stalin therefore has indeed consolidated the Communist Totalitarian Power invented by Lenin and Trotsky, since the military coup of October 1917!

Moreover, Trotsky is still evidence of bad faith hallucinating when criticizes Stalin's theory of "Socialism (Communism understand here) in one country." Indeed, after Lenin's death in January 1924, Stalin Communist Totalitarianism exported to every corner of the planet, such as Lenin and Trotsky wanted. Indeed, we know the famous dogma of Trotsky as to its Permanent World Revolution. Now this is exactly what made Stalin as part of the Communist International (also called: 3rd International or Comintern and Cominform); Communist International founded in March 1919 by the will of Lenin and whose editor of the Manifesto is nothing that a ... Trotsky!

Finally, Trotsky indulges cynically justify his totalitarian political dictatorship of the proletariat by the mass of Terror, and all the draconian aspects it entails. Indeed, for him, the notions of democracy and dictatorship are equal. You just have to relativize the morally based Ideology (pages 74 and 75):

"We do not think of opposing the dictatorship abstraction abstraction democracy to weigh their respective capacities on the scales of pure reason. Everything is relative in this world where it is permanent as change. The party dictatorship Bolshevik in history was one of the most powerful instruments of progress But here, as the poet says, Vernunft wird Unsinn, Wohltat Beach (Note No. 1: Reason becomes insanity, kindness torment).. The ban opposition parties led to the prohibition of factions; the prohibition of factions ended in a prohibition to think otherwise than the infallible leader of the policeman monolithic party resulted in a bureaucratic impunity, which in turn became the cause. of all kinds of wantonness of corruption. "

His deepest reference Ideological before that of Marx, is that of the French Jacobin period of our Revolution. Jacobine period during which, despite the weak technical means of extermination, the Committee of Public Hi under the leadership of the National Convention, held among others: the former Revolutionary Courts and individual and mass exterminations, up to the Vendeen genocide in 1793-1794!
Then of course, Trotsky could not help comparing the 9 Thermidor (July 27, 1794) corresponding to the overthrow of Robespierre and the Jacobins, with Lenin's death January 21, 1924 and the resumption of power by Stalin. Except that in the case of the French Revolution, although the various regimes that have followed one another have long been chaotic, the situation in France has gradually evolved. But dramatically for the Russian People, Russia, she froze in the Communist Totalitarianism during 74 long years, between October 1917 and the fall of Communism in 1991 under Gorbachev!

The irony is that after having founded the party-state-Unique Totalitarian Communist Lenin, Stalin, Dzerzhinsky (the head of the Police Policy: Cheka), Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bukharin, etc., Trotsky accuses Stalin of have developed a Soviet state "bureaucratic and totalitarian" (pages 76 and 77):

"Take in a recent issue of a Moscow newspaper stereotypical characteristic of the present Soviet regime, one of those features that is repeated every day and that school children learn by heart." The parasitic class of capitalists, owners land and rich peasants are not liquidated in the Soviet Union where one has thus put an end forever to the exploitation of man by man. All the national economy is becoming socialist and the growing Stakhanov movement is preparing the conditions for the transition from socialism to communism. "(Pravda, April 4, 1936). The world press of the Communist International says the same thing as fair. But if we ended "forever" in the operation, if the country is truly committed to the path of communism, that is to say in the upper phase, it remains the only company throw down, finally, the state straitjacket Instead -. and this is a contrast hardly conceivable - the Soviet State takes a bureaucratic and totalitarian look.
It can bring out the same fatal contradiction by evoking the fate of the party. The question is formulated somewhat as follows: What could we in 1917-1921, when the old ruling classes were still resisting with arms in hand, when the imperialists of the whole world actually supported when armed kulaks sabotaged the defense and fueling the country, discuss freely, without fear, in the party, all the more serious questions of policy? Why can not now after the end of the intervention, the defeat of the exploiting classes, the undeniable success of industrialization, collectivization of the great majority of peasants, admit any criticism to the address of irremovable leaders? Why all Bolshevik who would think, according to the statutes of the party, to demand the convening of a conference he would immediately excluded? Every citizen would emit loud doubts about the infallibility of Stalin would immediately treated almost as a terrorist conspirator. Whence this terrible, this monstrous, this intolerable power of repression and the police apparatus? "

Here Trotsky is so blinded by his self-packaging, certainly suffering from amnesia, he has already forgotten that it was he with his cronies Terrorists, who laid the foundations and principles of the Communist Totalitarian State. But we know well the rhetoric of Trotsky, "the end justifies the means" to impose communism by force, it was legitimate to persecute and exterminate millions of Russians between October 1917 and 1923, in just five years!
Certainly that victims who were killed during this tragic time, have made the great mistake of living in the wrong country at the wrong time, they were crushed under the steamroller Bolshevik!
In 1936, the Russian People did not want more of that Communism Collectivist and draconian in 1917; so how criticize Stalin that Trotsky had done himself, namely, to impose by mass terror Communism by all possible means of coercion, exploitation of man in the Soviet Gulag concentration camps and extermination of so-called "enemies of the people", "bourgeois", "cons-revolutionaries", striking workers, intellectuals, etc. ? !

As we have seen, Trotsky therefore emits quite a few criticisms of Stalinism, but considers that its balance sheet remains, to use the famous phrase of Georges Marchais, "generally positive", in any case, much higher than the capitalist system ( page 99):

"The distribution of earthly goods in the USSR is much more democratic than it was under the former Russian regime and even than it is in the most democratic countries of the West, but it n 'still has almost nothing in common with socialism. "

This is good then a misanthropic vision taken to the extreme, considering the millions of persecuted families and the millions of victims massacred Russians represent only negligible amount, to face the urgent need to impose the Idea Communist!

In conclusion:

No, Mr. Trotsky, the Russian Revolution did not take place in October 1917, but rather in February by the Russian People. And You and Lenin did not even participate in this true Popular Revolution, for the simple reason that you were neither one nor the other in Russia at that time. What you call your false "revolution betrayed" of October 1917 was, simply, a military coup, followed by the establishment of the first State-Totalitarian Communist Party-Unique of History, engendering: the suppression of political parties, the Dictatorship of the Proletariat political unclean and War Communism, the creation of the Political Police (Cheka), stigmatization of the figure of the "enemy" in particular that of "Koulak "creating your immense Red Army, the opening of the first concentration camps (future Gulag) from summer 1918 on your express request to Lenin, the first Revolutionary Tribunals arbitrary and expeditious, summary executions, Terror mass, etc. !

Why the devil to blame Stalin, while it has only perpetuated the Communist totalitarian regime established by Lenin, Trotsky and ... Stalin? The answer probably lies in jealousy and hatred (reciprocal way) vowed that Trotsky for Stalin. It knows the ultimate insult Trotsky to Stalin when he discusses "most eminent mediocrity of our Party."
In short, Trotsky never digest for not having managed to take power after the death of Lenin, Stalin instead. Too full of himself, Trotsky was confident he would get the place of the Dictator "legitimately" after Lenin. But it was not counting on the guile and opportunism of Stalin, more pragmatic and less pretentious ... that Trotsky.

Confer also other books about Trotsky:

- Leon Trotsky: Terrorism and Communism (Anti-Kautsky): complete edition;
- Nicolas Tandler: "Who am I?" Trotsky;
- Robert Service: Trotsky.

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