13 (Limited Deluxe Edition)


  • Very horny Scheipe  

    13 (Limited Deluxe Edition) (Audio CD)
    Since you still rock. Has Power album. Have I directly in Berlin for release after the Rush concert brought and heard in the train. Full 5 stars.
  • If so can also appear as a 1970 double-LP!  

    13 (Limited Deluxe Edition) (Audio CD)
    I have decided that disc to listen only a few (now around 20) time to let everything sink in peace. After the first euphoric reviews there are now a few scattered critical opinions - so that the whole spectrum is covered first. Right away: the euphor
  • Bugger Me!  

    13 (Limited Deluxe Edition) (Audio CD)
    I ask the somewhat harsh heading to apologize, but the thing stomps me grad 'unangespitzt into the ground. "Live Forever" brings tears of joy in his eyes, I would have no ears, I would grin in a circle. The song alone is worth gold. "Damage