3 x atFoliX Sony NEX-5R Protector Shield - FX-Clear


  • High quality and easy to work with.  

    3 x atFoliX Sony NEX-5R Protector Shield - FX-Clear crystal clear (Electronics)
    As the product description indicates, is obtained here 3 protectors for the NEX 5R. Also included are still a microfiber cloth, two stickers for removing dust and a cardboard squeegee for applying available. The assembly was easier than I thought in
  • As always, a very good film  

    3 x atFoliX Sony NEX-5R Protector Shield - FX-Clear crystal clear (Electronics)
    I've been using for years the atFoliX films and am also having this again very satisfied. It is really obvious, fits well and can be applied without bubbles or dust with a little effort. Something was difficult to separate from the actual film, only
  • By screentone guaranteed failure  

    3 x atFoliX Sony NEX-5R Protector Shield - FX-Clear crystal clear (Electronics)
    The other day at the designers of atFoliX: "Hey, now, our customers have stuck so many screen protectors that can do really well now. What can we just change so that it finally fails every again?" - "How would that be because: We put the fi
  • If it, then good  

    3 x atFoliX Sony NEX-5R Protector Shield - FX-Clear crystal clear (Electronics)
    Served its purpose. Lies over the display of Nex5 and protects this without compromising the function or the picture great. Unfortunately not 100% fit. ca 0.3 mm on each side too small. Only the attachment is, as with all films, cruel. Although I had