6cm balls for children Baby ball pit balls plastic balls without gefähliche plasticizer (TÜV Certified 2013) (200)


  • Bällebadbälle up  

    6cm balls for children Baby ball pit balls plastic balls without dangerous plasticizer (TÜV Rheinland Certified 2013) (Baby Product)
    The balls are in my opinion properly. Our little pleased every time he can leave the wading pool filled empty :-) We have to buy this pool (), which I also find top. 200 balls are sufficient for this purpose.
  • Little money - a lot of balls  

    6cm balls for children Baby ball pit balls plastic balls without dangerous plasticizer (TÜV Rheinland Certified 2013) (Baby Product)
    The balls are very light and very soft. Therefore, they are really only suitable for babies if they are to be used as a ball evening.
  • my ferrets love them!  

    6cm balls for children Baby ball pit balls plastic balls without dangerous plasticizer (TÜV Rheinland Certified 2013) (Baby Product)
    the balls are great! my ferrets love them. they have the perfect size and I have no fear that they have because what toxic in your mouth :)