6x Colorful Luftenstein Belüfterstein Sprudelstein vent aeration in aquarium


  • Stones covered with algae relatively quickly ...  

    6x Colorful Luftenstein Belüfterstein Sprudelstein vent aeration in aquarium (Misc.)
    and therefore need to be scrubbed every few weeks. In addition, the plastic attachment for the hose is not anchored very stable in stone. If Sprudelstein he dissolved when pulling out the hose,
  • Outlets with different densities  

    6x Colorful Luftenstein Belüfterstein Sprudelstein vent aeration in aquarium (Misc.)
    These diffusers with different density generate different bubbles at the end of an air pump. Highly recommended for the price, but unfortunately not available on Prime. Delivery took a while and I have the vents boiled beforehand. Otherwise, they wor