Aquarium Decoration Aqua Ornaments "chalet" with plants; L15 x 5 x H12 cm B8


  • small, sweet cottage  

    Aquarium Decoration Aqua Ornaments "chalet" with plants; L15,5 x B8 x H12 cm (Misc.)
    The cottage looks totally cute. It is made of wood, the stones look real. Our catfish caught equal to brush at it and have it adopted the same as a hiding place. Great decoration for aquariums that are not as great.
  • Wooden house  

    Aquarium Decoration Aqua Ornaments "chalet" with plants; L15,5 x B8 x H12 cm (Misc.)
    Yes the extent I should imagine spatial, although they agree but it is unfortunately too small for use, which for smaller fish, it keep but nevertheless, because it somehow has something from a computer game in conjunction with other Dekogegenständen