Boozers - Pay poet and Think


  • A genuine alternative to "Maxie" and other drinking games  

    Boozers - Pay poet and Think (Toys)
    "Boozers" recalls known trading card games, the most unlikely opponents can play against each other here. Even if you are not familiar with internet phenomena or nerd icons, you can enjoy delicious about the battle between a stripper and the Fly
  • Entertaining Drinking Game.  

    Boozers - Pay poet and Think (Toys)
    From the looks somewhat similar to Magic the Gathering or similar card games and with an agreeable humor led me this drinking game at a very nice evening. I look forward to playing it again.
  • A more creative getting drunk there is not!  

    Boozers - Pay poet and Think (Toys)
    I played this game many times and with various groups and always had a lot of fun. The rules are easy to understand and even with a group of Spaniards and Italians who barely spoke German, the game was the highlight of the evening. The additional ima
  • For hard-drinking satirist the perfect party game  

    Boozers - Pay poet and Think (Toys)
    Boozers I met at a party and was impressed. The game based on duels creature to creature and combines this with varied event cards with funny group tasks - a game in which even non-nerds have fun and playful collect their first experiences with creat
  • Unfortunately, you have to assign 1 star ...  

    Boozers - Pay poet and Think (Toys)
    Truly Tasteless! "Icons of nerd and pop culture" - I can not really see the 3rd Reich and this I would see so still even at level 3.5. Sorry, but that's totally wrong gripped! In my opinion, the game would have on the index ...