Burnout: Paradise - The Ultimate Box: Xbox 360


  • Rudimentary - Rasant - Really cool!  

    Burnout: Paradise - The Ultimate Box (video game)
    Finally. Finally, I have to play a game for my Xbox 360, which by the incredible long-term fun factor gets me every now and again to. After the terrible first impression to the 360 ​​made on me (which I want to give, was only on the very poor game "P
  • Flatout + NFS + Bikes - Tuning - Police = Burnout Paradise  

    Burnout: Paradise - The Ultimate Box (video game)
    ATTENTION: I could not play this game online. This is an offline review! This game is suitable if you are looking for: -Actionlastige Frenzy (crashing, pushing, Boost, good Geschwindikeitsgefühl) -Free Navigable routes (about as large as the city of
  • Ultimate gaming fun guaranteed !!  

    Burnout: Paradise - The Ultimate Box (video game)
    Bournout Paradise: The Ultimate Box is a really good investment. All Anhäger the Bournout or Need for Speed ​​series should really not be missed this game. However, the 'Burnout Paradise' 'have already', this should rethink again, because some of the