- Chewing gum and spaghetti - Charles Exbrayat - Books


  • The humorous  

    Chewing gum and spaghetti (Paperback)
    How to have a good time? By reading this book. Policeman but funny, the colorful characters (the Italians) and rigid (the American). A sort of confrontational methods to a crime, all with humor.
  • a full investigation of humor  

    Chewing gum and spaghetti (Paperback)
    A detective novel smelling the Italy !! Of humor, lovable characters plus a plot that hold the road ... Well enough to spend a great time and change gaily ideas!
  • a good relaxing humorous  

    Chewing gum and spaghetti (Paperback)
    It had been years since I had not read the book Exbrayat, and how happy to immerse it. As usual, the detective story is a bit sidelined and it's mostly the atmosphere and humor prevail. The meeting between the Italian exuberance Commissioner Tarchini