Couscoussier stainless 8L Steamer Cenocco CC-1001 (induction ok)


  • 492 Middle  

    Couscoussier stainless 8L Steamer Cenocco CC-1001 (induction ok) (Kitchen)
    Delivery with 8 days late! I had to run after the seller to get info on my order. Otherwise the couscous is rather pretty but I will say what is more suited to 6L. Besides the scale on the inside of the pan to get 6L 8L must be filled to the brim but
  • Good finish and content  

    Couscoussier stainless 8L Steamer Cenocco CC-1001 (induction ok) (Kitchen)
    Good finishing and composure. Cooking the perfect steam. I do not use it but as for couscous pot steaming pot etc .... relatively compact, the walls are not very thick and a bit light cover, but it is not dramatic (given the price ).