Cranberry Complex mannose (1 x 40 sticks) - cystitis urinary tract infection


  • Helps, but extremely overpriced!  

    Cranberry Complex mannose (1 x 40 sticks) - cystitis, urinary tract infection
    The product helps and after a few days was an improvement, or alleviation. The price is acceptable under any circumstances! Henceforth, we opted for a competing product.
  • Beautifully packaged, a lot of plastic, relatively expensive - works quite well  

    Cranberry Complex mannose (1 x 40 sticks) - cystitis, urinary tract infection
    I came across on the Internet at the tip that D-mannose in good triggered by E-Coli cystitis (approximately 85-90% of cases) and have help the first thing found this product. The efficacy appears to be fine - a BE I was able to fight well. However, t