Dear Life: Stories (Vintage International)


  • In the original, more beautiful to read  

    Dear Life: Stories (Vintage International) (Paperback)
    Read Nobel Prize winner Alice Munro in the original: more interesting and touching than in the (very good) German translation. However, the quality of the paperback not keep up with the content - real "Pulp Fiction".
  • Bare life  

    Dear Life: Stories (Vintage International) (Paperback)
    Dear Life, "bare life" that is life in its essence, is not only the title of the fourteenth and last short story, but also the theme of the whole book. It's a life shaped by the hardships of the Canadian province in the period during and after t
  • Alice Munro pur ...  

    Dear Life: Stories (Vintage International) (Paperback)
    Alice Munro was until recently many fans read a phrase. As the creator of this year was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature but became world famous. The read me "Dear Life" has already since fall 2012 and is now commercially available in Dece