Dectane SWF10DB headlights Ford Mondeo 00-07 black


  • Super parts. Just plug the halt.  

    Dectane SWF10DB headlights Ford Mondeo 00-07 black (Automotive)
    Got the headlights bought because the Angel Eyes look too much bungling and fumbling. Have to say, the processing is top but unfortunately it's like at the 1 star rating also were canceled the barbs from the left headlight connector .. have the plug
  • Good look, poor quality  

    Dectane SWF10DB headlights Ford Mondeo 00-07 black (Automotive)
    Have the headlights and get unpacked. The headlights look pretty good. There a lot to me on a headlight was wrapped in foil and the other not. Refit: - In the left headlight, the tie-wrap missing was the plastic where the pin is broken for Fortificat