Dreamland scary 17-Killer from the depths


  • First-class radio play Kost  

    Dreamland scary 17-Killer From The Deep (Audio CD)
    Take the great white shark 1 + 2, Deep Blue Sea and some very good speakers, everything neat mix through and press it on CD. And voila: Finish the "Killer from the depths". For me, this episode was one of the highlights of the series. Way to the
  • "Jaws" meets "Deep Blue Sea"  

    Dreamland scary 17-Killer From The Deep (Audio CD)
    It all starts very promisingly, although the image is missing, it is possible at the beginning to build tension, but unfortunately too much is packed into the story. Bonds of two good movies (Jaws and Deep Blue Sea) are not enough to tell an exciting
  • Dreamland makes on Deep Blue Sea  

    Dreamland scary 17-Killer From The Deep (Audio CD)
    Can a shark horror work as a radio play? Not really, you have to say to this Hsp. On the one hand more than strong bonds with Deep Blue Sea and a few allusions to the great white shark are not sufficient to produce a real new or exciting story, on th