DURAGADGET Laptop sleeves Laptop / Notebook / Netbook / UMPC in water resistant neoprene pink - 5 year warranty - CX620MX MSI 15.6 "MSI CX500DX 15.6" MSI CX623 15.6 "MSI P600 15.6"


  • Impeccable! 121 312 3802  

    DURAGADGET Laptop sleeves Laptop / Notebook / Netbook / UMPC in water resistant neoprene pink - 5 year warranty - CX620MX MSI 15.6 ", 15.6 CX500DX MSI" MSI CX623 15.6 "MSI P600 15.6"
    Do not expect that this product protects from shock, the cover is rather thin. On the other hand, it's just what I needed because I wanted my PC not be scratched in my briefcase. But I prefer to say for those who buy it for shock, head over to someth