Elgato Avea Dynamic mood lighting - for iPhone iPad or Apple Bluetooth Smart Watch 7W LED E27


  • with good potential  

    Elgato Avea, Dynamic mood lighting - for iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch, Bluetooth Smart, 7W LED, E27 (Accessories)
    Overall, the lamp like very mood lighting, but the brightness and tone of white is insufficient / pleasant to read. Also would be similar to the light alarm clock and a fade-out is desirable.
  • Attractively priced, well lit, alarm clock're sorry, but unreliable  

    Elgato Avea, Dynamic mood lighting - for iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch, Bluetooth Smart, 7W LED, E27 (Accessories)
    The bulb is in a milk glass ball in my bedroom, making sufficiently bright white and colored light. The Mood features are nice. Maybe a few other features are still replenished, currently there are: Evening (reds) Polar light (green-blue) Cherry (Pin