- Emergency kit for alcoholic - Pierre VEISSIERE - Books


  • Converted try! 4  

    Alcoholic to aid kit (Paperback)
    Finally an honest book about the disease of alcoholism, at a time when many still deluding themselves about LE miracle treatment .... An essay written in simple, human and very strong. I recommend reading all: alcoholic addicts, and those who assist
  • Finally explanations  

    Alcoholic to aid kit (Paperback)
    finally clear explanations, has everyone in the entourage that allows to understand the many why! a book that addos little help to do and to project their future! awareness! to recommend to all! I am a member of Blue Cross for over 20 years and there
  • AID KIT, the right words.  

    Alcoholic to aid kit (Paperback)
    It was daring to say the reality of what this taboo alcohol. I have found in this book full of interesting things, notament multiple explanations of what the disease Alcoholism is easy to read and complet.Il there has even the possibility of communic
  • More than useful: healthy  

    Alcoholic to aid kit (Paperback)
    I just finished this book, and I am delighted to its simplicity, its realism, its tone, its accuracy. It is for me these extremely useful books for everyone because that is not touched directly or indirectly by alcohol dependence? Also, I suggest tha